Trickle makes diversity work.
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Coördinator Hebban in de Klas (m/v/x)
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Do you want to join Trickle and create equal opportunities for everyone?
We advise all companies that work with Trickle to work with anonymous applications throughout the entire application process. This way you can be sure that as an applicant you have an equal starting point.
Equal Opportunities
We create a playing field that stands for equal opportunities for everyone – regardless of background, age and gender. By anonymising the hiring process, applicants will merely be evaluated on quality and experience. So unconscious biases won’t get a chance during this phase.
Trickle uses modern techniques to secure and protect personal information of both applicants and employers. We will always handle this carefully, to guarantee privacy of our users is one of our first priorities.
Join us
And be part of the anonymous hiring culture.
The carefully composed Trickle diversity training will positively influence the consciousness of your team members.
Apart from our training we write blogs to offer insight in making your hiring process more inclusive and your workforce more diverse.
The story of Trickle has been shared by various media since its launch. Would you like to get in touch with the founders for an interview or do you have any other questions? Please contact us.
These companies are using Trickle.